If you're still checking this blog, yes I'm still alive!
& here's a few updates.
I have graduated.
Kind of a yesterday thing already. Life has moved on so quickly, graduation has lost its novelty and I now letting the www know that I am sitting in front of my laptop in the living room of a flat belonging to a Chinese lady, thinking what to do with my life when I finally return to Singapore.
Yes, I have moved. Again.
Haha, every year I move house. The only area I have not yet lived in is the South of London. And I guess, the truly West.
I have got an internship too, which explains why I am still in London.
I've been going on a crazy Soap and Glory shopping spree.
I think it's the effect of resisting buying it for 3 years when I first noticed it while hanging around Boots. But now that is my last few months in London, why not? The packaging is very eye-catching; you'll definitely give it a second look when you walk by. Their marketing skills' very good, the names they come up with for their products just makes giggle and open your heart to their products haha I'm lazy to put up images, but google it and you will know what I mean!
Also, when I use their products, I feel a little bit more girlie, a little bit more fun, and a little bit more glamorous hahaha. I actually look forward to washing my face, and moisturising my body rofl. But it does work.. so far. I cant stop touching my face these few days cos it's so soft hahaha
Actually, to be honest. It's not just S&G, I've been buying more health and beauty products. I guess I realised I am not going to stay/look young forever. Yeh, maybe I'll still look like a 16year old, but I dont want to look like a 16year old with huge eyebags, uneven skin tones and scaly legs o_o
Which leads me to my next point..
I recently purchased this thing called Bio Oil. Apparently it helps with scars, uneven pigmentation, stretch marks, moisturising, ageing skin- ok basically, it's a miracle oil for your skin. And I think it..works ?? My stretch marks seem to have lighten and this scar I have on my knee is still there but seems to have smoothened out- I say seem cos I dont know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, or you know sometimes you want something to work so much that you kind of tune your brain to think it really is working ??? Hahahaha ok anywayyyy, I guess I'll let you guys know lik say 3 months later!
And I'm so excited for next week!!!!! xx