I dint want to be involved initially, but after reading her recent posts (more like attacks actually) on my favourite girl
Esther Debra Leong, I feel angry lah haha, need to say sth esp after reading statements like "No matter how much you try to prove to me I still think you are trash (trash bags are black too) hahahahhahaha"
"Only God judges me, not you. I think you're the sort of believer who don't even feel remorseful/sinful for outrightly spouting nonsense about people. Pretentious." - This made me cringe. Arent you judging her as well.. if you rly think she's judging you, all I can think is
pot calling the kettle black, much ?If you're questioning her motive and think that she's saying things to make you feel bad, shldnt you also question yourself when you keep harping on her retaining.
And if you think that she's not pretty and hence, is in no position to say that you're ugly, do you then think you're very pretty when you say things like "Buck toothed fat face with trashy hairstyle." and "sorry, even my bf says you have a fuck face."

(Yigal Azrouel, BCBG, and Jeremy Laing)
Regarding fashion sense and style.
Okay. You probably think that I'm her friend so obviously I'll think her dressing's damn good, and according to what you said about being "fashionable or not having wardrobe malfunction is not for you to say for yourself. IT'S FOR OTHERS TO SEE AND JUDGE HAHAH 不要脸 ttm." (I know the last part of the quote is irrelevant, but I just think it's amusing haa) I've seen it, and judged it. But what I dont understand is, does this 'others' exclude her ? I believe she has seen your dressing and judged it, and hence, resulting in you making that statement.
Okay, but to be objective.
Everyone dresses differently, and lik, fashion is always changing so we cant exactly rely on what's the trend now etc to judge who's good or not. I think what's most important is that you wear what suits you and makes you look good. So if she can make "Super wtf hairstyle and erm ugly black and vintage garbage draping" on her look good (which she does), her style is good. I mean, if something doesnt look good on you, and someone else wears it, it doesnt mean that that someone else has bad fashion sense and style..
"I thought you didn't want to care about me, why read my blog, why bother about the content? Why are you starting another round of personal attack? Too free? Or don't wanna study and wanna be retained again? What do you want to achieve out of all that you've said?"
Dont you think you shld ask yourself those questions as well.. I srsly think this whole thing's rly lame it's not even funny anymore.