
Sunday, May 9, 2010


"You must never feel badly about making mistakes," explained Reason quietly, "as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons."

/The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster


Production Social was good, like always (although it's only been my second time). No BBQ in the end due to the weather, but nevertheless, there were good food (by Keong of course), good company, and good conversations. We were talking about the different perceptions guys and girls have towards certain adjectives like pretty, beautiful, cute and ummmm buff. Apparently (according to Kpop), if he says a girl is buff, it's a good thing. But you have to say it like, ooh she's barrrrfff hahahahaha. But no, most girls dont take it as a good thing, cos we associate buff with guys having say, broad shoulders and (usually big and) toned muscular arms etc. So if you say a girl is buff, we have an image of a girl with broad shoulders and (usually big and) toned muscular arms..

I think I've a problem saying the word thrift. I think I said the word lik ten times to different people today, and no, they dint get what I was trying to say still haha and the thing is, the more I repeat it, the more incoherent it sounds. Like, thrift threeeft trift triffft trifT threefT thhhreeeft?? treeft?! tkaerhgeft? tsdoifghoft!

And I've been sleeping an awful lot recently, but I still wake up feeling sleepy. Too much sleep maybe. But even when I wake up after sleeping for lik 7 hours, I feel so sleepy I go back to sleep for an additional 2-3 hours. And I wake up still feeling so so sleepy D:

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