I just realised mixpod cant stream audio without showing the video now cos of some youtube thing :( Ohwell. So here goes.. (will edit agn when im back)
The person you love is 72.8% water. /Alan Fletcher
To all the people I love, HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE :D
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside remembering all the times you've felt that way, and you walk to the bathroom, do your toilet, see that face in the mirror, oh my oh my oh my, but you comb your hair anyway
Two more days and I'm off. And soon, school will reopen, and work begins :( I've not exactly done much on the Spring proj. It's only research, but haiyah, I'm having problems starting the working engine. I'm kind of dreading 2010 alil haha, cos I chose knit and weave, and I know it'll be really busy and really tiring. And I've not finished started my french homework which I planned to do so by like, today. But I've not finished packing, and it's already morninggggg. Still need to find pictures. Need to print stuff. Need to withdraw money. Need to sleeeep.
The summit doesn't differ from the deep, dark valley, And the valley doesn't differ from the kitchen sink. Winners never quit, but winters never rest.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
It’s just that I don’t want to be somebody’s crush. If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don’t want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me so I can feel it, too. /The Perks of being a Wallflower
Painted my nails purple :D
I finally watched (500)days of Summer. I like it, but mm.. I dont know. Aiyah, lots of things went through my mind haha but thats not the point. My brother showed me this quirky video :D
And I finally watched 9 too ! It's good, but the ending's does not feel like it's complete. Haha dont know lah. I wna watch Sherlock Holmes and Nine next ! And some lightning thief movie too. Heee.
Oh btw, I went for Boxing Day sale in the end. Cldnt tahan anymore aft two nights of online window shopping haha, it wasnt as crowded or crazy as I thought. Jiayi and I headed to Oxford Street at 0830 and on the way there, there were already ppl done with their shopping and making their way back home with many huge shopping bags.
And guess what. They were all guys. Amazed :O ! Hahah, anyway, this is how a typical shop looks like on Boxing Day-
I think Next was the worst. After you get in, you cant get out. And when you finally get out, you cant get back in. Lol.
If you're in London or gng to London (the sale ends in Jan), and you want to go for the sale but dont know where's good to go or dont have much time, I wld recommend gng to Bershka and Pull and Bear. Very good discounts (: More time ? River Island, MNG and Schuh. You can try Urban Outfitters and Zara too. As for Topshop, H&M, Dorothy Perkins, Office.. dont expect much.
If you want to avoid the crowds, just go to the non-sale sections hahaha Or do it online. Esp if you wna shop at places like Republic which has only one store in London, at Westfield (unless you stay near there of course). Asos.com's having a big sale right now too !
If you're in Singapore, everyday's Boxing Day sale haha cos most of the things there are still cheaper than it is in London EVERYDAY.! So you're not exactly missing out !
Anyhows, we shopped for almost four hours !! I dint manage to get my winter hat, legwarmers and ear muffs though. Really hungry after that. And yes, super tired, feet were about to drop off. I swear I'm not gng to shop for any shoes, jackets and coats for at least the next six months.
Thought I'll make a Christmas playlist since it's Christmas in about 5hours time :D
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
(One of my all-time favourite pictures of 2007..)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
you can spend your life thinking about all the ways the world has done you wrong, or you can wake up, get up and make the decision to spend your life making the most out of where your choices have left you living. see, the truth is, we all have the easy options available to us… the quick-fix option, the feel-good fast and forgetful option, the do it now- think later option: drink, smoke, do drugs, have careless sex, live in empty relationships, tell lies and living out of touch with reality… they’re all options. and sure, the highs are so fucking high; the release, the freedom, the excitement; it’s all so glamorous- but the lows we find when it’s all said and done, are the lowest lows imaginable. so do yourself a favor; wake up, get up and don’t give in. don’t damage your future by neglecting the present because of your past; you are precious and important, treat yourself; your body, your mind and your heart accordingly.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
And my parents went back home today. I swear I grew fatter after 7days of good food !!
It occurred to me two days ago that most ppl I know get attached in their 20s. And so if all goes well and they get married, and if they were to live till say abt 70years old, it means that they would spend about 2/3 of their lives with someone. Thats like 71% of your life being committed to a person. Thats kind of a scary thought, no ? And so I told Jiayi that we shld spend half our lives being single and the other half, not. And she was lik, oh so you wna start dating when you're 50 ? Hahahaha. True, and how would I know if 50 or 35 is the halfway mark of my life right.
I just wonder, if we find it hard to commit ourselves to and follow Jesus (a perfect being), how will we be able to commit ourselves to a person as imperfect as we are.
I love myself. But I cant exactly imagine how a person can actually love me and accept all of my flaws. Esp for almost a lifetime. Even I get annoyed and appalled by myself at times. It's lik, when I think of someone thinking I'm nice when I know I'm really not.. I cant rly imagine how that works ?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
You close your eyes when you cry. That's ok. Just don't keep them closed too long. Things have become beautiful since you last looked. There's nothing more to cry about.
Yknow, sometimes I look at myself.. And I wonder how can God be ever so forgiving. How can God still answer my prayers despite me failing Him time and time agn. I come to God after doing sth awful or having a horrible thought, telling Him I'm sorry and that I'll not to do it agn. But many times I failed him, and many times He forgave me. Even when I have gone back on my word so many times, He is still willing to love me as much as He did when He first created me. It is true, that nothing you ever do will make God love you less.
But for most of us, when someone (esp someone we love) fails us one too many times, we may forgive the person but we still tend to hold back our love towards him. After the many chances given, we reach our limit and eventually say to ourselves 'I'll just love him alittle less now' or 'he's rly worth not that much of my love'. We stop putting that much an effort into the relationship. Or we just get used to it, telling ourselves 'thats just the way he is'. But at the end of the day, we are not that quick to give our love to that person anymore. Yes we still listen, but we listen with caution to the words he speaks. Yes we still hang out with each other, but we give our time sparingly. Yes we still share things, but we share with our hearts ajar. Yes we still trust, but we trust with hesitation. Yes we help, but we are not as quick as before to lend a hand to him who's in need. It is difficult for us to switch back to 'who we once were'. It definitely takes time. And by time, it can mean a week later. Or ten years later.
Shall leave you with goodstuff Fuwei posted on fb (:
I asked for Strength, God gave me Difficulties to make me strong. I asked for Wisdom, God gave me Problems to solve. I asked for Prosperity, God gave me Brain and Brawn to work. I asked for Courage, God gave me Danger to overcome. I asked for Love, God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for Favors, God gave me Opportunities. I received nothing I wanted, I received everything I needed! Trust in God. Always!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Pardon my previous post. I feel better now. After having some twisties ha. Yeahh, my mum brought some over ! She brought a luggage filled with snacks, awesome.
And dinner today was just great ! Proper food since ages, oh yeah. And I'm gng to join her for breakfast later (:
Sorry, I'm feeling grumpy right now. So please. While I am still trying to be nice, dont try and be funny.
Talking about Twilight, I just came across this..
ROFL LMAO HAHAHAHAHA When I saw it, I knew I had to post it ! (Bella looks Sim-like though lol)
It makes you wna move your head along with them, doesnt it haha & I'd like to think they were listening to an awesome song like this ! (:
Thursday, December 10, 2009
And you asked why people always expected you to smile in photographs. And I told you it was because they hoped that in the future, there would be something to smile about.
Have been sleeping way too much. But the morning's been productive so far ! Done with the colour changes/comparisons blah; left with the final touches of my charts :D And then I can work on my 3D, go for dinner with my family (yes yes, they're arriving later in the night!), and finish up whtever thats left, and might even have a good night's sleep !
And since I feel like taking a break now.. I think the worse thing a guy can do to a girl, is to use the feelings she has for him, for his own selfish wants and needs; purposely blurring the lines drawn, making her think that maybe he actually likes her too, just maybe. Okay hmm, maybe he does like her actually, but he doesnt like her enough to make her more than a fling. The worse cases are those that goes along the lines of 'yknow I rly love your company, how about staying over at my place tonight..' which are absolutely rubbish. Respect the girl, dammit.
Okay, to be fair- some girls are just as bad. But it's usually more like, 'oops I forgot my wallet, can I have yours' happening one too many times. With absolutely no intention of paying back. Or getting the guy to buy that gucci bag she's been eyeing (sounds exaggerated, but it happens). It's fine if they both like each other, are dating, seeing each other or married already. The guy wldnt mind, and he shldnt mind. Cos guys are supposed to be a gentleman and pay okay (sometimes even if you guys are just friends; not referring to the gucci bag). And girls shld pay their part or give a treat once in awhile.. But making a guy think he has a chance and hence, getting him to invest his time and money on her- thats just wrong. Okay, in the initial stages, it's fine; cos he has to chase her and prove that he's datable right. So thats fine. But if she knows she's definitely not gng to try and like him, then she shld just let the poor guy off. Take Bella from Twilight. In the first book, she flirted with Jacob to get information of Edward out of him. Okay but Jacob doesnt like her yet. So it's alright. Cos people flirt. But anyhows, he likes her in the end in the second book..
Okay I just realised this is not exactly a good example. Cos it's a totally different world and there's a third person involved (Edward). Besides, Bella dint say or tell straight to Jacob that she was gng to forget Edward and try reciprocating his feelings. I dont think she wanted to forget him actually. Cos she wasnt exactly making an effort to forget Edward; she got Jacob (oblivious to she and the voices she's hearing) to teach her how to fix and ride bikes so that she can get into a situation where she'll be able to hear Edward's voice. And Jacob thought he had a chance; and he dint rly mind being there for her even if she liked Edward still cos he knows it's not her fault that Edward's a jerk for disappearing. And Jacob actually has a chance; both he and Bella will probably end up tgt, if Edward disappeared for good (and if Bella does make an effort to forget Edward). But this is only the second book out of four books, so obviously Edward will be back. And it's not Jacob's fault for thinking that way, cos we'll probably thought so too if we were in the story. But anyhows, Bella used Jacob to remember Edward, and hopefully, get his attention. And ultimately, she did. And they got back tgt. And Jacob became a werewolf. Ok think I'm abit off-tangent. But you get my point.
No, I've not watched New Moon yet. And no, I'm not a Bella-Jacob fan. In fact, I want Bella and Edward to be tgt. It's just an example. Dont be sensitive. I dont even know how I got here. I suck at analogies, and I'm surprised I've that much to say about Twilight hahaha but anyway, it's lunchtime alreadyyyy !
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sorry, as much as I'd like to not give a hoot about it, I'm going to take sides here. Surely, you have better taste than that.
But then again, I'm in no position to say anything. & Objectivity says maybe there's more to it. So I shld just shut up.
Different food makes me think of different people. And vice versa. For instance, when I think of Dirisa, I think of Tom Yam soup lol. Feli, definitely orangebowl (: Anyth with Egg, Justine Chuchutrain hahaha; Ban Mian, Ng Shiminggg. Cup noodles/Egg Beancurd- both. Curry Chicken Rice, Yap Pow Wee. Porridge/TCM/lala, obviously Wayne. Not forgetting Brinjal, cos he forced me to eat it one time >:O ! Actually, anything that irks me (durian, eggplant, intestines, brains), I think of him too hahahaha and Bubble Tea/Macnuggets, Esther Debra Leong. Okay, I shall stop here. If you want to know your food, you can leave me an offline msg on msn hahah I can safely say that there's one for everyone.
As usual, I'm taking a break now. I'm not gng to sleep tonight; so if you are up tonight for whtever reason (cant sleep/ hate sleeping/ you're an owl or vampire/ just trying to be rebellious), know that you're not alone hehehe.
Okay, this is bad. I shldnt talk to ppl in Singapore too much, cos I'll start to miss, and missing is bad when it becomes too much. Okay, I'm not emo lah. I'm just feeling abit.. I dont know, weird. HAIYAR. I cannot get over the fact I'll be missing Asia Conference for like so many years. CGI next year somemore. I miss so many things okay. Lik, shaker fries (my own fault lah, I kaypoh, went to look at ppl's fb "SHAKER FRIES IS BACK") omg. I shld totally delete my fb or sth. Nicholas promised to send some back to me, so pls remind him hahahaha ! And I miss twisties.. I've no idea why. Ruffles too. I've yet to buy my pandan cake..! And and and, orangebowl (I dreamt I was eating it two nights ago lmao). And sambal stingray, kangkong.. bak kut teh (all Fuwei's fault). Bubble tea omg. And mango sticky rice (the closest alternative I can find is mango sago). And I know I just wrote down a list of food. If I start to list down ppl's names I'll just feel sadder haha haiyah, I'm gng to miss having Christmas in CHC. Okay I shld stop; I'm only encouraging emoness in me, which is not what I need when my assessment's due on Tuesday hahaha and I was asked just now if I grew fatter, omg I hope not, I'm feeling sad enough already okay. Pls dont make any sarcastic remarks on my tagboard lik 'i was about to ask you that too!' or 'yes pls dont eat more or I wont recognise you' cos you're only encouraging anorexia in me hahahaha that said, pls dont go 'no you dint grow fatter!' or 'it's okay, you're still cute' omg no please haha
Bodyclock damn screwed.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Where you are, right here and now, this is how bad stories end. But it's also how the best stories, begin.
Am waiting for my laundry right now. No mood to start work cos I am too knackered from walking. I walked to Soho today from Holborn for OCF Outreach. After that, walked to Piccadilly Circus with the intention of taking a bus to Oxford Circus. I reached there only to find out that roads have been closed for the day ! So I had to walk to Oxford Circus from there.. and then to Tottenham Court Road where the roads are still closed ! So I continue walking and took a bus from Holborn to Angel. Walk walk walk; reached Cass Art to buy an A3 Sketchbook. Walked up and down, left and right, cos I cldnt find my bus stop somehow.. and then I finally found the bus stop, boarded the bus, only to find out that I mistook 214 for 274 after three stops (must be the lack of sleep). So I alighted, walked three stops back and waited for 274 again. Zomg, seriously. TIRED.
Anyhows, OCF Christmas outreach was very good ! The songs sung, the skit, the word, the food- were all very nice. I felt abit sad though, when they sad Feliznavidad. Cos it reminded me that I wont be spending Christmas back at home this year :( But I met up with old friends. And made new friends, like a 1.98m tall German, by the name of Nikola !
Hope this puts you in a Christmas mood (:
You called my name, reached out your hand, Restored my life, and I was redeemed, The moment you entered my life, Amazing grace, Christ gave that day, My life was changed, Went from my shoulders, fell the weight of my sin
So it's with everything I am, I reach out for your hand, The hope that changed a second chance I've gained, On you I throw my life, casting all my fears aside, How could greater love than this, ever possibly exist
Consume my thoughts, as I rest in you, I'm now in love, with a Saviour, Bearing the marks of his love
So I wait upon you now, With my hands released to you, Where a little faiths enough, To see mountains lift and move, Yeah and I wait upon you now, Dedicated to your will, To this love that will remain, A love that never fails
Beautiful lyrics. Very apt. Sometimes when you tell ppl 'God loves you', they wld think 'well, God loves everyone', as though God's love is being divided by the billions of people on earth. But thats not true. I think it's really hard, even for us Christians, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is for each one of us.
She asked where he lived. 'Second to the right,' said Peter, 'and then straight on till morning.'
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
After hours of knitting, I'm not even halfway there. TSKK.
My diet's been really unhealthy. I'll wake up at lunchtime, and start working. And then I'll feel hungry but I'll just continue working cos I'm too lazy/into-the-momentum/cold to leave my room to cook. Then dinnertime will arrive, and I'll still be too lazy/into-the-momentum/cold to even get up from my chair.. until I'm like super hungry or getting kind of dizzy, and then I start to think of what I shld eat. And by the time all the thinking's done, I'll be too hungry to cook (as cooking takes awhile before I can actually eat), and so I end up going down and spending unnecessary money at the nearest JC or CFKFC or SFC (these are actual names of friedchicken-selling shops).
Anyhows, I've been wondering whether guys feel cold at their ears HAHAHA. Cos after my hair's been cut short and not so covered up by hair, I came back to London from sunny Singapore and realised that my ears can actually feel cold. And most guys have short hair right. But then agn, guys have short hair since young, so mayb cold ears are like normal.
And IF you're wondering why I'm blogging so much or I can 'like' someone's status on fb or comment on someone's photo, but I'm not online on msn or skype.. here's why. As free as I seem to be, I am actually doing work. Or trying to, hahah. And blogging/fbing are like the occasional many short breaks I take from working. I dont usually go online cos I cant give instant replies, and I'd hate to disappoint if someone wants to skype me, or hate to look like I'm not listening to them cos they can see me knitting while they're talking to me (which I've tried before; I can knit/draw while listening and talking). In short, I cant give a 100% attention. However, if you have great telepathy with me, like Justine Chu or Rae Hui, you'll be able to catch me appearing offline AND I am actually taking a break from work (even if I'm not fbing/blogging). Good job ! HAHA
And if you werent even wondering abt that and just read that whole chunk of words above, sorry to have waste a minute of your life. Well at least you know me better now ! Hahahaha
It is always more blessed to give, than to receive
Ooh, I'm one lucky soul. I watched Caleb the Dreamer (A) by Pst Kong last night, and 9 hours later, the list has been updated and the sermon's gone already !
Three more days :O !!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Not wrapping this in ribbons Shouldn't have to give a reason why
Even better, Nicholas Kirkwood. Simply gorgeous. So sculptural, and architecture-like. Sample sale's tmr and on Saturday, but I am trying to save money for January trip :( Also, Christopher Kane's sample sale is lik, now. And tmr.
Taking a break from my knitting final. I'm back to paper-cutting haha feels like A'levels coursework all over agn. Just that of course, I wont be doing huge-glass-panels-size; my biggest's A1 !
Last night's dinner fĂȘte was GOOT! I was telling Jiayi if there were only two of us who went, I'll really rofl. But Jerlene said she would come, and she dint pangseh haha
I was on my way to Vauxhall to meet them, and was caught in a bus jam ! There were like so many buses in the bus lane, and so much honking going on. Super funny, cos all the bus drivers came out of their buses to see what was gng on, and like 75% of the passengers alighted and started walking to wherever instead. But I stayed and waited, and took some pictures hahahah, rather do that than brave the heavy rain. The weather was good ystd, but it started pouring ! Annoying.
Anyhows, thanks to Jiayi, we found the house without much trouble ! And we were greeted by..
Food prepared by Lynne !! Super yummy, I tell you hahah would have help myself to more if I dint have tea and cake with Sissi before that :d Wonder how the dinner at Abi's went, hmm.
"This is the one." The universe assures me from behind the counter.
"But I thought you said the last one was the one." I reply.
"No." Says the universe. "I sold you that one so you would know that this, this is the one."
"Is there another one?" I ask the universe.
"I can't tell you." They reply. "It'd ruin the surprise."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wah I skyped with Justine Chu for three hours straight today. Shld have screenshot our conversation box, heelarious.
I'm still hating the weather >:( On a happier note, my parents are coming over ! Lik, real soon !! Meaning, sch will be over soon too :D :D :D Can you hear me say awwwwwwesome ? Cant wait cant wait ! Teeheehee. Zomgzomg okay, I cant wait for the weekend to come agn !!!
Wah, now is really the season. Within a week, there are already four people I know in London who just got attached. And there are definitely more to come hehehe.
And today's service- AWESOME. Alex and Nat were baptised :D
Sometimes, I still hear that little voice in me encouraging those sad thoughts of those happy memories.
And it's days like these that makes me glad to have made the decision to end it as soon as it had begun; so that even though we were falling, it would not have been too deep for us to climb out of.
But I wished I had followed my head and not my heart, and come to that decision earlier. It would have saved us both the pain and misery.
I am quite sadden by the news of her death. Even though I dont know much about her. It makes me wonder what our world is becoming into. And she's only 22. Reading some of her blog entries, I think what she really needed was God's love. I dont know, it's really quite sad :(