
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Read about BucketSocial from Shirley's blog, and I think Keng's project is srsly super cool hahaha

I think it's true what she said (or typed haha).
We get so caught up in life, and sometimes we think we've got lots of time on our hands we put off things we want/dream to do to 'another day'. And this 'another day' always seems to remain as 'another day' (And sometimes we alr know this, but 'another day' still remains 'another day' haa).

I feel that ever since I chopped off my hair, I've become more spontaneous and willing to try new things (couchsurfing !). Change this, change that; do things differently. As the saying goes, change is the only constant in life. But we constantly need change in our life, yes no ? There is no good or bad change, but how we respond to change determines whether it's good or bad yah ? But that's just what I think (more so recently).

Well, life can be unfair, but it doesnt mean it cant be good still :-)

And I want to do so many things now (Sweden baby ! Hahahaha just bought my tickets :p) ! Everyone seems to be talking about bucket lists. Maybe I shld create a list too, so I wont forget !

1 comment:

  1. hehehehhe I love how my project ended up on both of your blogs, so nice of you!! :) eh lets do something wild when you come back!
