
Sunday, February 14, 2010


“We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, “Why did this happen to me?” unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way.”

EDIT (170210 | 0221): It's funny how we dont usually ask the 'why' question when happiness happens to us. Though I'd say the word 'right' used here is too strong/extreme for my liking; as personally, I dont think it's wrong/inappropriate to question things that happen in our lives. Esp when it comes to sorrow; because more often than not, things just happen and we dont have control over them. But the quote does put things into perspectives. While we dont have control over our situations, we do have control over how we respond to them, no ?

Just like how we thank and praise God for something good that happens, we can still thank and praise God even in our bad situations, because we know that He knows what's best for us and better things will come ! Even when things seem bleak and impossible, if God can create something (ie. the universe) out of absolutely nothing, every Impossible is definitely a Possible for God !


There have been many things on my mind recently. But I'm too lazy to pen them down in words (or rather, type them out). Till then, I shall either spam you with quotes (sorry Yiling), or bore you with details of my days :>

CNY and Valentine's celebration today ! & More importantly..

(she probably wont see this, but still)

Had good food and good company for the past few days ! The picture below basically sums up my CNY/Valentine's celebration :D You can see the rest of the pictures here !

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