
Friday, January 22, 2010



"Don’t try to make life a mathematics problem with yourself in the center and everything coming out equal. When you’re good, bad things can still happen. And if you’re bad, you can still be lucky."
/Barbara Kingsolver


Ok. I was so tired last night, I was sleeping by 8pm. But now I'm awake, and it's 2am. Six hours. Dammmnnnn. I thought I was gng to wake up at 3, or even later. Why, cos I was so tired I overslept and missed my bus stop for the FIRST time ystd ! But hey, if I keep this up, you know what. I'm nv gna be late for sch anymore hehehe.

I realised one thing bad about having painted nails.
While I was in my semi-awake state, I looked at my fingernails (palm-facing) and I thought I had like clumps of dirt in them :O But after a better look, because the underside of the nails is dark (due to the paint), and after wear and tear, the edges of the paint' eroded, so now it seriously looks like clumps of dirt. Time for a makeover, nails.

And then, while I laid on my bed (still looking at my fingernails..), I started to rmb all my dreams. Sounds so surreal right HA. Ok but anyhows, the first one I rmbed was about knitting (oh yea, it's consuming my life). I dreamt about the holding position of machine-knitting, which I need to master it todayyy (epic fail ystd). And then it was about the OC people, in particular White's face lmao. And in that dream, I dreamt that I dreamt of them before. HAHA. And the third one I recalled, had Rae and Jiayi in them. Um, we were looking for a good snack in this rly big but cramp Chinese confectionery shop. I must be rly hungry. And I AM. Ok crap. I forgot what the fourth one was about. And now it's bugging me. What was it mannnn. I hate when that happens.

Ok I know I'm supp to blog about my life here in London, not a revelation I have of nail paint and illusions, and my recalling of weird dreams.. so right. There are a few people whom I've talked to who says, hey you're still using Singlish !. The reason is, well um, you speak Singlish and I can, so why not. And so yeahh, I do speak in that slang when speaking to Brits in my college. I'm still on my way to perfecting it. It's so farneh I tell you. It's lik, halfway while speaking to them, I receive a call from say Kellie, and I'll go harlowww, yah yah what lah, and after putting down, it's back to Brit mode. Not that I want to. But I dont wna spend more than half the conversation with them trying to decipher what I'm saying. I dont wna keep repeating myself; some things lose its essence when said more than once (ie. jokes).

Obviously I cant use words like walau. So I try- really frustrating, so annoying, what a bother, horrible, crap ? I dont know if they're typically English, but they seem to work just fine (: Though none of them aptly express what I'm feeling. Especially when it comes to sian. 'I'm soo dreading it'. Just halfway through that five syllable sentence, and I am feeling more sian than I already was. Let me try and reduce it to a syllable.. It's such a dread. What a dread ! Oh dread. Dread (CMI) ! OH did I tell you, I was trying to teach some of them how to say and use shiok HAHA. I'm trying to infiltrate the environment and slowly spread the Singlish mann. RIGHT.

But it's the whole environment you see. Cos in church, when I'm speaking to the angmohs, I dont really have the accent. Cos I'm with Singaporeans too. I just dont. I just naturally omit all the lahs lors mehs (unless I'm overwhelmed by Singaporeans). So yeah, Sorry I'm a Chameleon like that :(

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